Excursions in Upper Swabia and Allgäu

Familienführung in der Oberstadt Stockach | © Stadt Stockach

Family tour through the historic upper town of Stockach

Why is Stockach divided into an upper and lower town? What did Stockach look like in the past? And who was this Hans-Kuony? You will learn all this and much more on a...

Department of Underwater Archeology Zurich

Features three showcases with information on underwater archeology and dendrochronology.
Wabenfoermige Einbauten schuetzen die Fundstelle vor Erosion © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Litzelstetten Krähenhorn

The station Litzelstetten-Krähenhorn represents a special settlement situation on the north bank of the peninsula Bodanrück.

Hotel im Winkel

Liechtenstein National Museum close to Lake Constance

Liechtenstein National Museum

Discover the diversity of one of the world’s smallest countries, ranging from archaeology to history, art and culture to the alpine natural world. More than 3,000 exhibits...

Vorarlberg Lines Bodenseeschifffahrt

Seilbahn Hoher Kasten in der Nähe des Bodensees

Hoher Kasten cableway

On Eastern Switzerland's panoramic mountain, you can enjoy special summit experiences with boundless views, culinary highlights and extensive hikes. In just eight minutes,...
MS München on Lake Constance

Passenger ships

A light breeze that strokes your face, rays of sunshine on the water and the scent of summer in the air: That is the Lake Constance Feeling. The best time on Lake Constance...
Port in Lindau at Lake Constance

Lindau Tourismus und Kongress GmbH